OUT OF HOME | Copywriter, concepts
Metropolitan Group, Portland. Just before the vaping scene became national news, Smoke Free Oregon had decided it was time to challenge Big Tobacco to stop targeting underage kids. Timing couldn’t have been better from a creative development standpoint. We were changing creative daily based on learnings. One thing didn’t change: Big Tobacco, now more than ever, is in the replacement business. Their very business model is predicated upon creating a new market in underage smokers to replace the customers who die as a result of nicotine addiction. They have no limits when it comes to protecting and increasing profits. Tactics include placing ads at the eye level of 9 years old kids in convenience stores, in or near the candy aisle, pushing flavors that appeal to kids more than adults or strong-arming local retailers who can’t afford to not carry their products. As it turns out, you need a fishing license to fish in the state of Oregon, a license to sell Christmas trees or own a dog. But you don’t need a license to sell tobacco. Moreover, BT has marketed to struggling communities and people in situations of stress for years. There’s no shortage of amazing anti-smoking campaigns. It’s all pretty much been done. We created a no-frills, down-to-earth campaign that delivers facts, hope and action that can be taken to address what affects everyone in Oregon.